Perfectionism Masterclass
Is it really better to be better? You are successful in spite of your perfectionism, not because of it. Perfectionism limits your growth, diminishes your happiness, and impedes your achievements.
Join me for a clear understanding of how perfectionist's brains are designed to keep us safe but create our misery, the difference between high achievers and perfectionists, and real solutions to make peace with your perfectionism.
Imposter Syndrome Masterclass
Uncertainty is a normal, helpful human emotion. It helps us discern incorrect diagnoses, note when we need to learn more, or signal safety.
Uncertainty plus shame (AKA Impostor Syndrome), limits our capacity, performance, voice, and success. If 80% of high-achievers experience impostorism, what can we do to address it?
Listen in.
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People Pleasing Masterclass
Learn tools to help set firm boundaries in personal and professional relationships.
Learn how to not feel guilty about putting your own needs first.
Learn how to let go of the need to please everyone all of the time.
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Charting Workshop
Imagine how you would feel leaving work with no open charts and an empty inbox. What would you do with all that time on nights and weekends?
One of the primary drivers of burnout is charting and paperwork. I used to chart until midnight and through the weekend, and not surprisingly, I hated my job and nearly left my practice due to burnout. Now, I chart at work and log out of EMR until the next workday.
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What is your Why?
What is your Why?
While the reasons why we get out of bed each morning may change, our Why does not. Our Why - our mission statement - remains. Understanding your Why will serve as an internal compass as your life evolves and a reference point for all of your actions and decisions.
Simon Sinek, author of the book Find Your Why: A Practical Guide for Finding Purpose for You and Your Team, writes that it is only when you understand your Why, you are better able to pursue the things that give you fulfillment.
Knowing your Why will serve as a compass as you take your next step. Join me for a free writing workshop to clearly define your values-driven mission statement.
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Finding Your Why in
1 Week Workbook
While the reasons why we get out of bed each morning may change, our Why does not. Our Why, our mission statement, our life’s guiding light, remains. Understanding your “Why” will serve as an internal compass as your life evolves.
Download this free workbook to find your "Why" in just 1 week.